Thursday, February 4, 2010


    I'm all about goals and numbers. I work in the finance industry, so the love of numbers is a given. Anyway, I stumbled upon the Declutter Challenge, to rid my home of 730 items over the course of one year (365 days). It works out to two items per day.


I'm going to officially start keeping track today, but for the record, I have taken loads of stuff to the goodwill already for donation, since New Year's. And I've moved at least 3 big trash bags full of trash that I found.

But, to keep my list here, I will conservatively estimate what has already left the house:

#1-3: Books. Way more than 3, but I filled 3 reusable grocery bags full of books and dropped them off.

#4: Remote control dinosaur

#5: Little red box with finger puppet mice inside

#6: Stereo Receiver

#7: Old DVD player

#8: Spongebob Squarepants alarm clock

#9: Monopoly Junior

#10: CandyLand

#11: Clue (the Simpsons Version)

#12: Space Bingo

#13-18: Disney Pictures that come with the DVD's (11x14 size)

#19: One huge bag of scrapbooking supplies (donated to the school

#20: Hooked on Phonics Complete Set

#21: Hooked on Math Complete Set

#22: Three Picture Frames, various sizes

#23: Fluffy Vanderbear in Pajama Game

#24: Cornelius Vanderbear in suspenders outfit

#25: Alice Vanderbear in formal dress

#26: Acrylic Picture Frame

#27: Running Shoes

#28: One women's suit

#29: Denim long overalls

#30: Franklin Covey Planner holder

#31: Cabbage Patch Pony

#32: Cartoon Teacher Picture

#33: Painting and Stencil Supplies

#34-#36: Two bottles of body splash

#37-#39: Two make up compartment boxes

#40: Bathtub Pillow

#41: Old box of Christmas Cards

#42: Old Box of Thank you Cards

#43: Kelsey Grammar's autobiography

#44: How to raise boys book

#45: Pill Reference Book

#46: Blueprint for Families Book

#47: Mary Engelbreight House Scrapbook

#48: Junior Class T-shirt

#49: Medical Reference Book

#50-#62: Winnie the Pooh Collectible Plate Calendar with Wooden Tiles (one plate for each month plus the holder and tiles).

Lookie there: 2 items per day and this is just off my memory. Like I said, I know for a fact that there is a ton of more stuff that I have donated or thrown away, but this is just what I can remember actually picking up in my hands and sorting. I will recheck the table tonight for everything on it to make sure I didn't forget anything. And from now on I will keep a list. I'm trying to work on decluttering each day, so I can just update what treasures I found daily and won't have to work off my memory. But with 62 items gone, the remainder to find and purge is :

668/330 days.

This weekend is going to have some major decluttering time on Thursday evening, Friday afternoon/evening, and Saturday evening and Sunday morning, before the Superbowl! Go Colts!



You can find the original challenge here:



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