It's been a few CRAZY days around here. Highlights include:
1 trip to Urgent Care for the kiddo's headaches happening every day. That doctor said it could be migraines, best to follow up with the regular doctor (which we just saw on Tuesday)
1 Hurt Leg (Sad Face L). I tried to run on Saturday after taking a week off for an inflamed whatever it is, and I lasted 8 miles. But I could tell me stride had changed and I was going to do more damage just to finish. So I stopped 5 miles short of my finish line of 13 miles. The next day, despite drugs and ice, it hurt way more than it had the previous weekend.
1 Dinner out for the birthday boy, during which he had what I can only describe as an incapacitating headache. He kept scooting down in his chair as if he was trying to slide under the table and disappear. He wouldn't talk to anyone (including his grandparents who were with us). It was scary how different he was acting. So the doctor appointment at the regular office two days later was just in time.
1 Doctor Appointment with a Pediatrician. Originally scheduled for 2:10pm, it got bumped so that I could see someone about my leg at 2pm. The pediatrician, despite my efforts, didn't want to take a guess at what was wrong with my 30-something year old leg, but would take a peek at the 9 year old's head. She thinks it is migraines. For now, if it's a bad headache, we will treat with medicine. Most of them aren't the 'slide under the table' kind of headaches. Follow up with the physical on the 16th.
1 Doctor Appointment for my poor injured leg. Diagnosis: Tendonitis in peritoneal muscle area. In other words, it's up so high on my leg and on the inner thigh portion but radiates towards my rear. It is impossible to point to where it hurts in public, and if anyone else had tried to put pressure on the area besides my doctor, I would have called it criminal groping. Treatment: NO Half Marathon on Sunday. I will only do more damage. It could take 3 more weeks to heal. But my doctor has known me since birth, and he's a runner himself. He knows I'm not likely to drop out of the marathon that I'm already registered for, so he gave me a schedule to follow. This week is walking only. Next week is half and half. Then ¼ walking and ¾ running. That will leave me with 3 weeks to do all running on a reduced mileage schedule prior to the marathon. He did warn me, my marathon is NOT going to be a Personal Best as far as the finishing time. SIGH. Sub-4 will elude me once again.
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